Best apps to unblur pictures

The quality of photos on a microSD card or the internal storage memory remains the same, but their printout’s luster, color balance, etc, may degrade as time passes by. For example, the quality of the photo taken in 1975 won’t be the same unless you’ve framed or laminated it. Images taken in the early or late 1990s or 2000s with cheap cameras may look blurred. The photos you take of a moving object may look blurry. To unblur the blurred pictures, you can use the Android and iOS apps I’ve shared below.

Best apps to unblur photos on Android or iOS devices


Remini Photo Enhancer app

According to its developer, Remini is an application with which you can make your photos look vivid. Remini ships with an “Enhance” function that optimizes the texture and other details of the image and makes it look better. This function can also reduce noise in images. Remini supports pictures smaller than 4096 pixels. How to use Remini? The app loads an ad and creates a task in the background once you select an image. While the ad is being played, Remini optimizes the picture.

Once the ad stops, Remini will show the picture. You’ll find two labels at the top of the photo – before & after. The application also displays a thin vertical bar at the center of the image. If you move the bar to the left, Remini will show the part of the original image, and when you move the bar to the right, the app will show the photo’s enhanced version. To save the optimized image, tap the download icon. The improved picture looks better than the original one. In addition to unblurring photos, Remini can colorize the images, optimize videos, or make the chosen photo look like a painting.

AI Image Enlarger

AI Image Enlarger - app to enlarge, colorize, unblur photos

The AI Image Enlarger ships with the following 5 utilities:

Enlarger: With this tool, you can make small-size photos larger without losing their quality. According to the company that has built AIE, you can increase the photo size by 200%, 400%, or 800% with AIE.

Enhance: This function improves the color and contrast of dull pictures. If you have an old photo, you can use this utility to enhance its colors. In my perspective, “Enhance” is this application’s best tool.

Sharpen: This option will make pictures look better or clearer by sharpening them.

Denoise: This tool reduces the blurriness in images. Unlike other utilities of AI image Enlarger, the Denoise tool won’t process the uploaded photo immediately. It adds the images to a processing queue and shows a “taskid”. You should check the status of the “task” by tapping on the “taskid” option.

Retouch: This tool is similar to the Denoise utility.


EnhanceFox - unblur photo app

EnhanceFox ships with two functions – enhance and colorize. The colorize tool will add colors to a black and white photo with the help of AI. The “enhance” tool will make a blurry image look clearer. The “enhance” utility supports two modes – basic and portrait. If you’re not happy with the result of “basic” mode, you can choose “portrait” mode and re-run the enhancer tool.

EnhanceFox assigns 6 credits to your account. The credits will decrease each time you select a photo and make EnhanceFox process it. The credits will reset to 6 the next day. Once you’ve used the 6 credits, you should wait for up to 24 hours to re-use the colorize or enhance tool of the application.

Enhance it

Enhance It app

As the name suggests, Enhance It has been built for enhancing images. EI packs 5 tools – noise, motion deblur, enhance color, enlighten, and enlarge. This noise feature will smoothen pictures and make them look better. Enlighten utility will improve the lighting in images taken in low light conditions or images that look dark.

Motion Deblur tool will try to fix the blurriness caused by the movement of things in photos. Enhance It shows a slider to adjust the filter’s intensity. When you change the slider’s position, the app will reprocess the picture and will show the result on the fly. Unlike EnhanceFox, AI Image Enlarger, and Remini, EI adds a watermark to the photo.

Download from Play Store

Why have I shared 4 unblur apps only? Many applications that I had shortlisted for this list did nothing or made the original picture look uglier.

Note: The result of the app’s processing depends on the photo you’ve chosen. Some of the applications will show the type of photos they support, and some will not.

Which application among the four should you use? Even if you make the application process the same image, the output of the unblur/colorize function of each app will be different. Thus you should try out each application I’ve shared above. How do the apps work? The applications use Artificial Intelligence technology to unblur/denoise/colorize pictures. Although they can annoy you with ads, you won’t have to pay money to use their AI-powered tools. If you take the blurry or black and white photo to a Photoshop expert nearby you, you’ll have to pay money to the expert to get the job done.

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