8 Best shoes app for sneakerheads

Shoes and sneakers are available for purchase online and offline for a price between $4 to $500. You must buy shoes only from trusted sources that sell original products. Genuine products from a reputed brand i.e. Nike, Reebok, Adidas, are built with high-quality materials, and they last longer. Before buying shoes, you must do some research because top companies launch new sneakers every month or week. Will you waste your money on a shoe that was launched in 2012 or 2011? The answer is obviously no. To discover the latest branded shoes and buy them for cheap, use the following apps:

Best shoe apps for Android and iOS



KicksOnFire is the most popular shoe app on the Google Play Store. It makes you aware of the latest shoes available in the markets and displays an option to buy them on various popular websites. KicksOnFire displays information on the shoes you’ve selected. It enables you to zoom the picture of the sneaker. You can share the details of your favorite shoes with friends on social networks with KOF. KOF lets users bookmark their favorite sneakers. It features a free kicks section that gives users an opportunity to win expensive sneakers. KicksOnFire displays products that look like the one you’re currently browsing. It lets you go through the list of hottest and most popular shoes right now.

Sneakers Release Dates/SoleInsider

Sneaker Release Dates - best shoe apps

Want to know when your favorite sneakers will hit the markets? Download and run this great app from Devverse. This application doesn’t require account registration. It gets into action straight away. When you open SRD, you’ll see a slideshow and list of upcoming shoes. If an item is available for purchase, you’ll see a buy button beside the sneaker name. SRD features a special section called “Sneaker Steals” where you’ll find the hottest deals on shoes. It enables you to go through the history of sneakers. In the history section, you’ll find a list of sneakers sorted by the launch date. To see the story behind the launch of the sneaker, tap on the list item. SoleInsider aka Sneakers Release Dates app is fast and easy to use.

Download SRD


Goat app - best shoes app

Goat is a great app to buy or sell branded shoes online. The company behind this application verifies merchants before accepting product listings from them. Goat has a listing of only genuine sneakers. The products you find in this app look exactly the same as their picture. If you sell branded shoes offline, you can easily get your business online with this application. Goat for Android and iOS gives you access to a massive listing of 74000+ sneakers from brands like Air Jordan, Nike, Adidas, etc. It has a search option that enables users to find sneakers by their names. It also allows users to filter shoes by size, condition, color, brand, category, etc.

Also read: Best apps like Craigslist to buy or sell products online

JD Sports

JD Sports

JD is one of the largest Chinese eCommerce companies. Many US companies have set up a manufacturing hub in China. As we all know, branded clothes and sneakers are cheaper in China as compared to Europe. If you’re in the US, you can buy Chinese items online with JD. Yes, that’s right! JD ships products to the EU & US. JD Sports allows you to buy the latest products from top brands. It has several categories and a listing of 1000s of shoes. It has a live search utility and powerful filters to shortlist sneakers. With this application, you can watch videos and 360-degree pictures of your favorite shoes. JDS supports several payment methods. It is one of the top shoe apps for mobile devices.

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Kixify is a good alternative to JD Sports. For browsing Kixify’s collection, you must register a new account with it. You can sign in to Kixify with Facebook or Twitter. Kixify sells shoes launched by 20+ popular brands. It has an interface called “Inbox”. When Kixify launches a new product, you’ll get a notification for the same in the inbox. This sneakers app lets you sell shoes online. It won’t charge you for listing products or registering a business account. Apart from the latest sneakers, the app sells vintage shoes. Kixify provides a search tool and a filter utility. It enables users to track their orders and has an offer section where you’ll find a list of sneakers on sale.


Sneakers app

The Sneakers app allows users to download media content for offline viewing. Its main interface boasts an option to open the news section where you’ll find top stories and the latest news of sneakers. The application provides a calendar tool with which you can explore the list of sneakers launched on a given date. The Sneakers app for Android and iOS features a search button. It lets you send a message to other users. It also allows you to chat with other sneakerheads in a forum. You can locate nearby shoe stores through this application. Like other applications I’ve covered in this article, this application allows you to see photos and videos of the latest shoes. Sneakers from FullTimesStudio is the best shoe app on the iTunes store.

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Want to buy the latest Nike sneakers? Download SKNRS on your Android or iOS device. SNKRS provides a great shopping experience to the users by giving them access to a massive collection of high-quality shoes. It allows you to set alerts for upcoming products and lets you share videos/photos with friends on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. SNKRS features daily contests. If you participate in a contest and win, you’ll get an expensive sneaker for free. The iPhone version of SNKRS supports the Apple TouchID feature for easier and faster payments. SNKRS is a must-have app for Nike fans.



Adidas, one of the most popular sneaker brands globally, had introduced its official app on the app stores in 2015. To get started with the Adidas app, you must create a new account. Once you do so, you can explore the most popular and latest Adidas shoes. You can also order your favorite sneakers online and pick them up offline from a store nearby you. This shoe app from Adidas supports push notifications and supports offline payments.

Similar sneaker apps:

Foot LockerAndroidiOS
Famous FootwearAndroidiOS
Shoe CarnivalAndroidiOS

Happy shopping!

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