Using Two WhatsApp or Snapchat accounts on same phone

Most handsets launched these days carry multiple SIM card slots. While creating an account for using WhatsApp, Snapchat, or WeChat, you’re asked to verify the phone number. When the number has been confirmed, you can start using the app. Sometimes, you may want to log in to the app with a different ID, but you may not be able to do so because of the following two reasons:

  • Some apps use your phone’s IMEI number or MAC address to distinguish you from other users. For 2 SIM cards, there will be two IMEI numbers, but the MAC address will be one.
  • During its installation, the Android, Windows, or iPhone app will create a folder or database for saving user data. When it finds that a DB or folder already exists, the app will display the user’s profile. If the data is not there, the application will ask the user to set up his/her account.

How to have two Snapchat or WhatsApp accounts on a single mobile phone?

parallel space app for two whatsapp, snapchat accounts on same phone

If you’ve two WhatsApp or Snapchat accounts, you can easily use both accounts on the same phone with the free Parallel Space utility app for Android.

Parallel Space by Team BLE is one of the simplest and smallest apps you’ll encounter.

When you install it, the app will display brief information on its features.

Once you go through the information, Parallel Space will display a 3 x 3 grid UI and a button.

The grid will be updated when the user adds an app by clicking on the button. For example, if I want to use two Snapchat or WhatsApp accounts on my phone, I’ll add these two applications to the grid, aka parallel Space.

To access or create a new account on the same phone, click on the app’s icon from the grid.

Final thoughts: Parallel Space is one of the simplest apps I’ve used. Though it is a small and lightweight application, this utility is very much useful. Along with apps, you can also add games to Parallel Space. Thus, if you’ve two Clash of Clans accounts, you can use both accounts at the same time.

PS supports Android M, N, ICS, and Jelly Bean OS. You cannot use it on Android GingerBread OS running handset.

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1 thought on “Using Two WhatsApp or Snapchat accounts on same phone”

  1. what a nice way to use both whatsapp and snapchat but try to make it much more dope and cool for people to get attractive


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