The primary objective of social networking apps is to connect people directly or indirectly. In a direct connection, a person talks/chats with a person who is known to them. An indirect connection takes place between two unknown internet users. For example, you can send a direct message to anyone on Twitter. Facebook is an excellent app for direct connection and Twitter for indirect. If you’re looking for a mix of both apps, you should try Amino.
Amino is a social networking app that is extensively focused on communities and chatting. It has 13+ million users and a rating of 4.8. The app is available for iOS and Android devices. To install Amino, your mobile device should have at least 163 megabytes of free storage memory. The application requires 10 permissions. You should be at least 13 years old to use it.
Amino app review
Getting Started
While registering a new Amino account, the app asks you to enter a password and an email address. The app doesn’t ask you to verify your email address or phone number. Once Amino saves your details to its database, the app will log you in, and then it prompts you to choose a profile picture, enter the birth date and the full name.
The app also asks you to choose the topics you like to discuss. When you select your interests, Amino opens its main interface. This interface boasts the following 4 tabs and an option to create a new story:
- Discover, Communities.
- Chats, and Me (Profile).
The profile interface of Amino displays your name, profile picture, and 2 tabs – Stories and Walls. The app lets you use GIF images as a profile pictures. You can either use the “Find GIFs online” option or upload GIFs manually. The app allows you to add a frame to the profile picture. Frames are not free. You’ll have to buy them using your Amino coins. If you don’t have the coins, you’ll have to buy them.
Apart from GIFs, Amino supports PNG, JPG format images. The app also provides an option to upload a profile cover and add a bio to your profile. You can add smileys to your bio but cannot add an image to it.
Below the profile picture, you’ll find two sections – Wall and Stories. Wall is an interface where you can post updates. Amino enables users to sort the posts displayed on the wall by their date. It also lets you control who can post on your wall and who cannot.
The Stories section displays the list of stories you’ve created. It also shows an option to create a new story. While creating a story, you’ll be asked to enter a title, description and upload a music/video file.
Amino lets users share a user’s profile on other social networking websites and messaging apps. If you find the profile inappropriate or fake, you can report it in this application.
Here, you’ll find interesting stories shared by the users of the amino app. You can comment on the story or bookmark/share it. Users that have shared their stories are called creators. You can follow the content creators and see the number of views their content has got.
Amino automatically adds an achievement badge to your account. The app uses a metric called Reputation to calculate the achievement level. There are up to 20 levels you can reach in Amino. To reach the highest level, your reputation level should be 500k. The reputation increases each time you interact with another user, comment on a story, create a new story, etc.
Amino includes a search tool that you can use to find users, stories by name. This utility also enables you to find communities by keyword, link, or id. Below this tool, the app displays your recent searches and an option to delete them.
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The Communities interface is divided into two sections – My Communities and Post Feed. The 1st section displays a list of groups you have joined, or you can join. You should tap on the group to see its details. Amino allows you to create a community and manage it with an app called ACM (Amino Community Manager).
Amino lets you see the number of active users in the community. It also allows you to chat with active members. The post feed section displays a list of posts shared in the communities you’ve joined. If you want to see the posts without interacting with other users, this section is for you.
Entertaining: The Discover interface of the Amino app gives you free access to short entertaining clips.
Engaging: The live chat feature of this application keeps your profile in front of other users. Thus, it is easy to make friends and get new followers.
Profiles: Verification of phone number or email address is not required. Thus, you may not know if the person you’re chatting with is fake or real.
Amino is full of Leaders and curators who abuse their power. They ban you for no reason even when they and their friends don’t follow the guidelines.
Team Amino doesn’t do anything against bullies even when the bully is part of the leadership and you sent them screenshots as evidence.
The coins can be purchased for useless things.