FishBrain: Fishing map, log and forecast app

Fishing is a great outdoor activity, but it is not as easy as it may sound. You can’t simply go to a lake or a river hoping to capture a large fish without research. For example, one of your friends hears a rumor of a person spotting the world’s most expensive fish, Platinum Arowana, in a nearby pond. He shares the story with you. You decide to capture the fish and sell it for 100K USD out of excitement.

You take your gear to the pond mentioned by your friend and spend your entire day on a boat without catching a fish. Unless a beautiful forest surrounds the pond or the pond is located in a scenic location, you’ll be frustrated. To increase the chances of finding a fish, you should use an app that displays the fishing locations on a map. One of the best apps for this task is FishBrain.

FishBrain app review

FishBrain is one of the most popular fishing apps. It has 5.5+ million users. The app consumes 99.14 megabytes of storage memory and requires account registration. You can also log in to FishBrain with your Google or Facebook account.

User Interface

FishBrain has a tabbed interface. It boasts the following five tabs at the bottom of the phone’s screen:

  • Feed, Map.
  • Plus icon, Profile.
  • Notifications.


The feed interface of FishBrain is divided into four parts – Following, Popular, Discover, and Messages. The Following section displays fishing videos and tips shared by expert anglers. It also shows discussions you can be a part of and a list of profiles you can follow.

The Popular section displays a list of popular videos on FishBrain. The app allows you to comment on videos. You can also like videos in the FishBrain application. The Discover section displays four filters – For You, Latest, Brands, and Videos. If you select the “For You” filter, FishBrain will display images of fishes and anglers along with the fish they’ve captured. If you want to see the pictures shared by the users in your country, tap the “Latest in” filter.

The Feed interface lets users create and share a new video story. It also allows you to find and follow other users of the app.


If your mobile device is connected to WiFi or a mobile device, FishBrain will highlight the fishing spots on a map. The map also displays the favorite locations of the anglers. If you want the app to highlight only the places in or near your country/state, you should enable the Location Service on your phone.

To see the details of the highlighted area, tap the waves/boat icon. When you do so, FishBrain will open a panel that has the following options:

Directions: If you choose this option, FishBrain will display the path to the fishing location from your current location on the Google Map.

Fish species: With this option, you can see the fish species you’ll find at the chosen location.

Leaderboard: This interface shows a list of users that have captured a fish at the location you’ve chosen. The person who has caught the heaviest fish tops the leaderboard.

Fishing Forecast: If you tap this option, FishBrain displays the detailed weather forecast of the location you’ve selected.

Other options that you’ll find in the panel are Follow, Share, Catches, Catch Positions, Top Baits. The Catch Positions and Top Baits are premium features.

If you scroll down the panel, you’ll find images shared by users that have visited the place for fishing.

Plus icon

If you tap this icon, you’ll see two options on your screen – Log catch and Add Post. To create a new post, you must enter a post title, description, fishing location and upload a photo/video of the fish. To Log a catch, you should upload the picture of the fish and enter its name.

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The Profile interface allows you to set a profile picture. This interface displays the number of catches you’ve logged, the number of people you follow, and the number of users that are following you. It also lets you see your position on the FishBrain leaderboard and add the fishing gear you’re currently using to the profile.

FishBrain lets you invite friends. To create an invitation link, tap the “Invite Friends” option. You have to share the link displayed on the screen with your friends. Once your friend opens the link and creates their Fishbrain account, the app will add them to the list of your followers.


The search function is the most impressive feature of the FishBrain app. It lets you find new anglers and discover new fish species/locations/videos by keywords.

Using this tool

Tap the search option. You’ll now see a text box on your screen. Enter the name of the fish in the text box. For example, if you want to catch the Greenland Shark, you should enter “Greenland Shark” in the search box.

Benefits of the search tool

The search tool not only helps users but also inspires you by showing images/videos of anglers capturing the fish you’ve failed to catch. If you’re planning a vacation near a river or staying near a river, you can find fish species in the river with this tool. If you know the name of a fish and want to capture it, you can find the places nearby you where you can find the fish.

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Evidence: When users log their catch, the app tags the image with the location. Thus, you can see the photos if you want to see the proof of fishes at the sites highlighted by the map.

Many features: FishBrain makes the life of anglers easy by providing several features.


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