Best apps like YouTube to watch videos online

YouTube is the world’s most popular video hosting and sharing application. 100+ million users use it on a daily basis. YT entertains users for free. It also gives users access to tons of free educational videos. YouTube is used by the world’s largest media houses, manufacturers, and production companies to reach a wider audience. Apart from trailers, shows, movies, product details, and short clips, YouTube allows you to watch 100s of live TV channels.

Despite being an excellent app for learning and self-entertainment, some countries have blocked YouTube. If you’re not able to access YouTube or if you’re looking for a video streaming app other than YouTube, try one of the following five applications:

Best apps like YouTube for Android or iOS (iPhone/iPad)


DailyMotion - best YouTube alternative apps

DailyMotion is a YouTube alternative app available for download in 35 countries. It is smaller in size compared to YouTube and has several features. To ensure that users don’t find irrelevant videos in their feed, DM detects the user’s location and displays a list of popular/trending videos in their country. If you don’t find the recommended videos interesting, you can change your location to see videos popular in other countries.

As on YouTube, you can create and share the playlist in DM. Users of DailyMotion can cast videos from mobile to PC or a smart TV. They can also follow a channel and change the video streaming quality. DailyMotion, the app like YouTube, enables users to search for videos by name. It supports the “Watch Later” feature. The app reminds users to watch the videos in their “Watch it Later” list. DailyMotion allows you to save videos on the phone for offline viewing. To save videos, you should be logged in to the app.


Vimeo - best apps like YouTube

Vimeo is a video sharing/discovery platform app like YouTube. It is used by people who want to share their creativity with the world. You won’t find videos from top media companies, funny clips, or trailers on Vimeo, but you’ll still enjoy the app. Why is this so? Well, Vimeo compiles a list of interesting clips shared by users across the world and displays the same on the phone’s screen.

Vimeo lets users like and share videos. It also allows you to filter videos by length, relevance, popularity, category, etc. It lets users follow channels and other users. As in DailyMotion, users can add videos to the “Watch Later” list. Vimeo doesn’t allow users to change the video playback quality. The app is not as powerful and popular as YouTube & DailyMotion, but it has a vast collection of videos that you’ll not find in other similar apps.

Sony Crackle

sony crackle - best apps lile YouTube

Crackle is a YouTube alternative app that lets you watch TV shows and movies for free. It allows you to filter videos by their genres. Crackle lets you pause playback on one device and resume streaming on another device. It features a special channel called Spotlight, where you’ll find videos/movies recommended by the experts. Unfortunately, Crackle is available only in some countries.

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tubi - best apps like YouTube

Tubi is a great YouTube alternative app that gives you access to many interesting movies, shows, documentaries, etc. It doesn’t require account registration. Tubi allows you to explore videos by their category. It provides a search tool too. For a great video streaming experience, Tubi sets video playback quality automatically for unregistered users. It also allows non-registered users to disable/enable captions and prevent the app from switching to portrait mode from landscape mode.

Facebook Watch


Facebook is not only a social networking site but is also a great video sharing/hosting site. Thus, it is one of the top apps like YouTube. People across the world share videos uploaded on Vimeo, YouTube, and other sites on Facebook. The social networking giant presents the videos in its own format. FB displays videos shared by pages you follow or groups you’ve joined in the news feed. To watch the video, tap it. The interface color of Facebook turns dark from light when you’re watching a clip on FB.

Facebook compiles a list of videos similar to the one you’re watching and displays the same on the screen. To change the video, swipe up or down. Facebook enables users to live stream events. Your friends or followers can comment, like, or share the streaming when you’re live on FB. Although FB doesn’t allow you to download videos, you can bookmark videos for watching it later.

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Periscope - best YouTube altenative

Due to budget constraints, it is not possible for everyone to visit another country. Periscope allows you to see what’s happening in your favorite city or dream holiday destination through the smartphone of other users. It also keeps you updated with the latest news and weather information with the help of live videos.

Users of Periscope are called broadcasters. You can follow broadcasters and watch live streams shared by them. You can also chat with the broadcaster in real-time. The app displays the number of users that are currently watching the video. It features a country filter. It allows you to skip frames. Periscope is owned by Twitter Inc, and it requires account registration. It is one of the best apps like YouTube.

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YouTube is one of the favorite sites of gamers. Gamers record their gameplay and share it with the world via YouTube. Twitch has emerged as a great alternative to YouTube in the last few years. Why is this so? Well, Twitch is a gamer exclusive site. It contains clips/live streams of video games only. Twitch allows you to find and follow pro gamers. When you follow a user, the app will display a notification whenever the gamer is live-streaming their gameplay. Followers can interact with broadcasters in the Twitch application.

Twitch makes you aware of the most popular video games. With Twitch, you can learn to play complex games and discover strategies that will help you in defeating the opponent. The app has filters to shortlist videos by their popularity. Its size is around 30 megabytes. It is an excellent alternative to YouTube.

Other applications that you can use to watch videos online:

IGTV by InstagramAndroidiOS
Viki by RakutenAndroidiOS
TikTok and apps like TikTokAndroidiOS

Closing words: Although the above applications are not as powerful and popular as YouTube, they’re worth trying out.

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